Are you looking for a natural way to increase your muscle mass and strength? Look no further than Muscle Empire’s Beta-Ecdysterone Extract Capsules! This natural supplement contains Beta-Ecdysterone, an anabolic agent that helps to increase muscle mass and strength. It also helps to reduce recovery time between workouts, allowing you to train harder and longer.
This supplement also helps to boost your energy levels, allowing you to get more out of your workouts. It is made from 100% natural ingredients, so you can be sure that you are getting the highest quality product. Plus, it is free of additives, fillers, and preservatives, so you can be sure that you are getting the best of the best.
Take your workouts to the next level with Muscle Empire’s Beta-Ecdysterone Extract Capsules! This natural supplement helps to increase muscle mass and strength, reduce recovery time, and boost energy levels. Get the most out of your workouts and make the most of your gym time with Muscle Empire’s Beta-Ecdysterone Extract Capsules.
What is Beta-Ecdysterone?
Beta-Ecdysterone, also known as 20-hydroxyecdysone, is the key component in several plants such as Rhaponticum carthamoides (Maral root), Suma, Cyanotis vaga, and Cyanotis arachnoidea (hydroxyecdysone). Muscle Empire’s Beta-Ecdysterone is extracted from Cyanotis Arachnoidea, a plant native to China and rich in phytoecdysteroids, which are believed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Beta-Ecdysterone is found in other plants and insects and has a similar structure to a human compound involved in muscle growth, strength, and recovery, leading to its potential anabolic effects. Studies suggest that Beta-Ecdysterone promotes increased muscle protein synthesis, lean body tissue, and strength.
How Does Beta-Ecdysterone Work?
Beta-Ecdysterone is used by some to increase lean muscle mass and improve workouts. The combination of resistance training and taking Beta-Ecdysterone is thought to increase lean body mass. The purpose of Beta-Ecdysterone is to support cellular and muscular recovery and may yield better results when combined with animal-based proteins like fish, eggs, or chicken. The androgenic properties of Beta-Ecdysterone are also appealing to bodybuilders, as it does not have any androgenic effects.
Note: Do not take Beta-Ecdysterone if you are under 18, pregnant, nursing, have any known medical conditions, or are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications. Consult a doctor before taking any new dietary supplement. Keep away from children.
What Others have to say about HR Supplements Muscle Empire Beta-Ecdysterone?
As a 22-year-old male who is 6’1 and weighs 202 lbs, I have fairly high testosterone levels and have been lifting weights since the age of 14. I have a good understanding of how my body reacts to different supplements, and I can say that after a week of taking 2 capsules of Beta-Ecdysterone before my workout, along with 60g of protein, and then taking another capsule post-workout with another 60g of protein, I am seeing significant results in terms of mass and strength gains. I am currently on a clean bulk diet of chicken, brown rice, quinoa, peanut butter oatmeal, and eggs, and my daily macro intake is around 150-180g of protein, 140-200g of carbs, and 40g of fat. I am very pleased with the results as I am not only gaining mass but also losing body fat. It’s important to note that this supplement does not increase testosterone levels, so don’t expect your test levels to rise after taking it.
I recently took Beta-Ecdysterone for 30 days, taking 750mg per day, and I have gained weight and strength. My starting weight was 152 lbs and my ending weight was 158.8 lbs. Although the weight gain is not significant, I noticed that I have become more vascular and my recovery time has improved. I also feel like my size has increased, particularly in my arms. My gym endurance and intensity have also been great. This is my first day off the supplement, and I will update if there are any side effects. So far, I have not experienced any negative side effects, except for a couple of cramps in my abs, but this could have been due to other reasons and not necessarily the supplement.
I purchased a 60 count and a 180 count of Beta-Ecdysterone, and initially, I was very impressed with the product. I looked more vascular, and my recovery was much better. However, when I received another 180 count bottle, I noticed that the formula had changed. The pills were darker and had a strong vinegar smell. I am nervous about trying this new batch as it is so different from the previous one, but I feel like I have to take them since I spent 60 dollars on them. If anyone has more information on the formula change, I would love to hear about it.
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