Quick Takeaways

  • Ashwagandha, known as the “King of Ayurvedic Herbs,” has been integral to traditional Indian medicine for over 2,500 years.
  • Its adaptogenic properties help the body combat stress and maintain physical, mental & hormonal balance which has benefits in bodybuilding.
  • Modern bodybuilders are leveraging ashwagandha for its potential to boost muscle growth, stamina, and recovery.
  • The herb’s primary active compounds, withanolides, can mimic the body’s hormones, aiding in stress management and balancing various physiological processes.
  • Ashwagandha can modulate cortisol levels, which is vital for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Preliminary studies hint at ashwagandha’s potential to elevate testosterone levels, which is crucial for muscle growth.
  • A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that ashwagandha supplementation led to significant increases in muscle mass and strength.
  • Ashwagandha can potentially enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, improving endurance.
  • Dosage is crucial: beginners might start with 300-500 mg per day, while seasoned bodybuilders might consume up to 1000-1500 mg daily.
  • Designing an Ashwagandha cycle is a personalized process, but a general approach involves taking one capsule daily for 8 weeks, tapering to half a capsule in the 9th week, and either continuing the reduced dose or stopping in weeks 10-11.
  • The form of ashwagandha (capsules, powders, tinctures) can vary based on individual preferences and routines.
  • While ashwagandha offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and interactions with other supplements or medications.


Ashwagandha, often dubbed the “King of Ayurvedic Herbs,” has been a cornerstone in traditional Indian medicine for over 2,500 years. Rooted in ancient practices, this potent herb has been lauded for its adaptogenic properties, helping the body combat stress and maintain equilibrium.

Fast forward to today, and the modern fitness realm is buzzing with excitement.

Why, you ask? Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts are now harnessing the power of ashwagandha to elevate their game. With its potential to enhance muscle growth, stamina, and recovery, it’s no wonder this age-old herb is making waves in contemporary bodybuilding circles.

What is Ashwagandha?

Dive deep into the annals of Ayurvedic medicine, and you’ll find ashwagandha, scientifically known as Withania somnifera. Native to the arid regions of India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa, this perennial shrub has been revered for millennia, not just for its therapeutic properties but also as a symbol of strength and vigor.

At the heart of ashwagandha’s potency lie its primary active compounds: withanolides. These naturally occurring steroids can mimic the body’s own hormones, making them particularly effective in managing stress and balancing various physiological processes.

When you consume ashwagandha, these withanolides go to work, interacting with the body’s signaling pathways, particularly those that regulate stress responses, inflammation, and even neural function.

But it doesn’t stop there. Ashwagandha also boasts a rich array of alkaloids, sitoindosides, and other beneficial compounds. Together, they orchestrate a symphony of health benefits, from bolstering the immune system to promoting cognitive health. For bodybuilders, the magic lies in its adaptogenic nature.

This means ashwagandha can help the body adapt to stressors, be it the physical strain of lifting weights or the mental grind of pushing through a tough workout. It’s this unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern science that positions ashwagandha as a promising ally in the world of bodybuilding.

Benefits of Ashwagandha for Bodybuilding

Stress Reduction and Cortisol Control:

Let’s face it, the gym grind isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s a mental game too. Every rep, every set, pushes not just your muscles but your mind. Enter ashwagandha, your new stress-busting sidekick.

This herb is an adaptogen, which in layman’s terms means it helps your body adapt to stress. When you’re pushing your limits, your body releases cortisol, often dubbed the “stress hormone.”

While a little cortisol can give you the adrenaline rush to power through that last set, chronic high levels can hamper muscle recovery and growth.

Ashwagandha steps in by modulating cortisol levels, ensuring they stay in the Goldilocks zone: not too high, not too low, but just right. The result? Faster recovery and a body that’s primed for the next workout. (Source)

Testosterone Boost:

Now, let’s talk testosterone. It’s no secret that this hormone plays a pivotal role in muscle growth. Some preliminary studies suggest that ashwagandha might give testosterone levels a gentle nudge upwards.

How? The herb’s active compounds, withanolides, have shown potential in enhancing the body’s luteinizing hormone, which in turn can stimulate testosterone production.

For bodybuilders, this could translate to improved muscle gains and a zestier zeal for those gym sessions. (Source)

If you are considering Ashwagandha for Testosterone, Here is our article on Top Ashwagandha supplements for Testosterone.

Increased Muscle Mass and Strength:

If you’re in the bodybuilding circuit, muscle mass isn’t just a goal; it’s a badge of honor. Ashwagandha might just be the secret sauce you’ve been looking for. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that individuals who supplemented with ashwagandha observed significant increases in muscle mass and strength compared to those on a placebo.

The science behind it? Ashwagandha’s potential to improve muscle protein synthesis – the process your body uses to rebuild and grow muscle tissue. It’s like giving your muscles the blueprint and the bricks to build bigger and stronger structures. (Source)

Improved Endurance

But what’s muscle without stamina? Whether you’re lowering through a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session or going the distance with a long run, endurance is key. Ashwagandha, with its rich blend of alkaloids and saponins, can potentially enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood.

Think of it as turbocharging your body’s engine, allowing you to go harder for longer. A study in Ayurveda highlighted that athletes who took ashwagandha experienced improved cardiovascular endurance, making those grueling workouts feel just a tad easier. (Source)

In the ever-evolving world of bodybuilding, ashwagandha is emerging as a potent ally. From stress management to muscle growth, this ancient herb is proving its mettle in modern times. So, the next time you’re looking for that edge in the gym, remember the power of ashwagandha. It’s nature’s gift to the bodybuilding community.

How to Use Ashwagandha for Bodybuilding?

Dosage Recommendations:

Navigating the world of supplements can feel like walking a tightrope, especially when it comes to dosage. Too little, and you might miss out on the benefits; too much, and hello, unwanted side effects! For ashwagandha, the key is balance. If you’re just dipping your toes into the bodybuilding arena, starting with a modest 300-500 mg per day is a good rule of thumb.

But for the seasoned pros, flexing those well-defined muscles, dosages can range up to 1000 mg or even 1500 mg daily. Remember, it’s not just about the quantity but the quality. Opt for a reputable brand with high withanolide content for maximum benefits.

Best Time to Take:

Timing, they say, is everything. And when it comes to ashwagandha, this adage holds true. While some swear by its calming effects pre-workout, helping them focus and get in the zone, others prefer the post-workout window, capitalizing on its potential to aid muscle recovery.

The verdict? It’s a personal choice. Experiment with both timings and see which syncs best with your body’s rhythm. Just ensure you’re consistent with your intake to reap the full benefits.

Forms of Ashwagandha:

Capsules, powders, tinctures ! Ashwagandha comes in a variety of forms, each with its own set of pros and cons. Capsules are convenient, especially for those always on the go.

Powders offer versatility, allowing you to mix them into your post-workout shakes or morning smoothies.

Tinctures or liquid extracts, on the other hand, are fast-acting, getting absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. For bodybuilding purposes, powders and capsules seem to be the favorites, given their ease of dosage and adaptability to different routines.

Potential Side Effects:

While ashwagandha is generally considered safe, it’s essential to tread with caution. Overconsumption can lead to gastrointestinal issues, diarrhea, or even nausea. And here’s a pro tip: always check for interactions with other supplements or medications you might be taking.

When to Pause Ashwagandha in Your Bodybuilding Journey

Ashwagandha, a revered supplement in the bodybuilding world, has its moments of glory. However, like all good things, there might be times to take a step back. If you’re experiencing unusual symptoms like stomach upsets or rare allergic reactions, it’s your body’s way of signaling a break.

While short-term use is generally safe, prolonged consumption can lead to side effects, from gastrointestinal issues to a potential dip in immune response. It’s essential to be vigilant, especially if you’re on a high dose.

The Art of Ashwagandha Cycling

Cycling isn’t just for bikes; it’s for Ashwagandha too. This strategy involves alternating between periods of consumption and breaks. Typically, a cycle might involve 6 to 8 weeks of taking the supplement, followed by a 1 to 2-week hiatus.

This approach ensures your body remains receptive to the herb’s benefits and minimizes potential side effects. However, individual needs can vary, so it’s always wise to consult a healthcare professional for tailored advice.

How to design an Ashwagandha cycle?

Designing a supplement cycle is a highly individual process and should ideally be done in consultation with a healthcare professional. However, here’s a general example of how someone might cycle Spring Valley Extra Strength Ashwagandha 1300 mg for cortisol, stress, and testosterone benefits:

Weeks 1-8:

  • Take one capsule of Spring Valley Extra Strength Ashwagandha 1300 mg daily. It’s often recommended to take Ashwagandha with a meal to aid absorption.

Week 9:

  • Begin tapering off by reducing the dosage to half a capsule daily. This gradual reduction can help minimize potential withdrawal symptoms.

Week 10-11:

  • Continue with half a capsule daily or, if you feel comfortable, stop taking Ashwagandha completely. This is your “off” period where you allow your body to reset.

Repeat this cycle as needed, but remember to monitor your body’s response closely. If you notice any adverse effects or if your symptoms do not improve, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional.

Please note that while Ashwagandha can help manage stress and potentially boost testosterone levels, it’s not a substitute for a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. These lifestyle factors play a crucial role in managing cortisol levels and supporting overall health.

Navigating Ashwagandha Withdrawal

Stopping Ashwagandha abruptly, especially after high doses, might lead to withdrawal symptoms. The trick is to taper off gradually over weeks, allowing your body to adjust.

Remember, everyone’s journey with Ashwagandha is unique. Some might thrive on extended periods, while others benefit from intermittent breaks. Always seek expert guidance before making any changes to your regimen.

Real-life Testimonials on Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, a revered herb in traditional medicine, has recently gained traction in the bodybuilding community. But what do real users have to say about its effects? Let’s dive into some personal experiences shared by people on forums/Reddit etc.

Sharing stories from bodybuilders who have benefited from incorporating ashwagandha into their routine:

  1. aditya_1800 has been a regular consumer of ashwagandha for two years, taking 350mg daily. They credit the herb with improved sleep quality, reduced sleep apnea episodes, enhanced muscle development, and better stamina. They also highlighted the importance of cycling ashwagandha consumption to avoid potential side effects like emotional numbness. Source
  2. Pankashalli prefers the powder form of ashwagandha, taking it 2-3 times a week after dinner. They describe it as a natural relaxant, comparing its effects to a warm cup of herbal tea that induces a peaceful sleep.
  3. Gulbasaur provided an insightful comment on how ashwagandha might work. They mentioned that ashwagandha seems to lower cortisol, which in turn can stimulate muscle growth by allowing other hormone levels to recover. However, they also cautioned against long-term daily consumption without breaks. Source
  4. Ocean-e-y-e-s from Australia shared their experience with ashwagandha gummies, mentioning that while they haven’t noticed significant changes in their anxiety levels within the first four days, they’re hopeful for improvements by the two-week mark, as suggested by some studies.

What do People have to say about Ashwagandha:

  1. MyManD expressed concerns about potential side effects, particularly anhedonia, which is a reduced ability to feel pleasure. They emphasized the importance of being cautious when altering cortisol levels and urged users to consider both the benefits and potential side effects of ashwagandha. Source
  2. 93delphi highlighted the vast number of studies on ashwagandha and the challenges of interpreting them without proper training. They suggested that users view herbal supplements as experimental and base their decisions on larger, more comprehensive studies rather than advertising claims.
  3. Some experts point out potential risks associated with ashwagandha consumption, such as liver damage, and shared links to studies supporting this claim. However, others counter this by emphasizing the anecdotal nature of such reports.

These testimonials offer a glimpse into the diverse experiences of ashwagandha users. While many have found benefits, it’s essential to approach its consumption with caution and stay informed about potential side effects.

Ron Males, a seasoned bodybuilder and sports performance enhancement specialist, is known for his unique perspective on the parallels between sports and sex. With a foundation in personal experience and comprehensive research on performance enhancement supplements, testosterone boosters, and muscle building supplements, Ron is dedicated to providing accurate information to counteract widespread misinformation. His interests extend to technology and biohacking, with a focus on optimizing all aspects of human life. Ron advocates for the use of herbs, performance-enhancing drugs, and other substances to boost performance in various settings, from corporate environments to physical fitness and daily life. He is always seeking innovative methods to expand human capabilities. As a supplement reviewer at PowerandBulk.com, Ron uses his extensive knowledge to analyze supplements, providing readers with reliable, in-depth reviews to guide their decisions. His first-hand experience with several bodybuilding supplements, and understanding of herbs & bio-hacking makes him an invaluable asset to the PowerandBulk.com community. Read more about him.

Senior Medical Reviewer | + posts

Dr. Bengebara Omar, MD is Senior Medical Reviewer at PowerandBulk.com. Thanks to his experience as an emergency physician, Dr. Ben offers our site a unique expertise in any health related subject. His very particular working environment allows him to be confronted with a very wide variety of cases. Indeed, given these working circumstances, he shares with us a unique experience in the medical field (concerning pathologies and their treatment) as well as in other fields related to this environment (like the management of energy, stress, emotions and other aspects of psychology). Before fully devoting himself to the medical career, Dr. Ben was also a tennis player with several regional and national competitions at his palmares. He graduated as tennis coach in 2015. Dr. Ben is also a travel and fitness fan. He is an adept of the doctrine that a healthy lifestyle is the basis for good health, and he believes that conveying this belief to his patients is much more beneficial to them than just dealing with their physical issues. Read more about him.